Gordon Max (2015)
Mentor: Patrick Gan. Designer: Shannon Teoh. Photographer: Shannon Teoh.
Diamond & Jewelry / Commercial / Brand Identity & Advertising
Typography, Graphics, Photography, Videography, Motion Graphics, Website, Social Media, Editorial, Interiors, Packaging, Namecard, Stationery
指導者 パトリック・ガン デザイナー シャノン・テオ
フォトグラファー シャノン・テオ
Gordon Max & Co. Pte Ltd/ 商業プロジェクト / ブランドデザインと広告
タイポグラフィ, グラフィック, 写真、ウェブ、映像、SNS、名刺、ツールデザイン、インテリア、製本、パッケージ、モーショングラフィックス
Synopsis / Introduction
Gordon Max is a cultured and simulated diamond retailer originally from Holland. A rebrand was done to celebrate its Dutch Culture in a modern and elegant manner. We began with 3 abstract shapes resembling diamond facets that extends to the word “MAX”, leading to a logo and houndstooth pattern that exudes the brand’s pursuit in high cut and clarity. To tell the story of the brand – we paired Dutch Houses, symbolizing the company’s roots, with product photographs specially captured for their brilliance.
ロゴマークについては、ダイヤモンドのカット面を抽象化した3つの形に直線を付け加えると、「ゴルドン・マックス(Gordon Max)」の「マックス(Max)」になります。
The folder opens up to a shape that is inspired by the proportions of an ideal cut diamond. The folder is in 2 colours – dark blue and white.
Dispersion for every Good Cut
Flashes of rainbow sparkles (scientifically known as “dispersion”) determines a good cut. Rather than photoshopping them away, we wanted to bring out these natural brilliance and consistently capture the fire in our images.
An advertisement was filmed for the brand for display in TANGS department store. Using a gentle streams of light, we tried to exude the fire in the diamonds of the jewelry.
Infested with inconsistent images, a need to create visual systems was recognized. Photographic systems were put in place to ensure that the images retain a consistent look such that customers can view products with ease on the web and various other platforms. A square grid was made such that every product image had the same minimum clear space, except for pendents and earrings when they are shown with a mannequin or model. Lighting, background and other areas were also optimised for consistency.
異なる形のブレスレットや長いブレスレットの写真は、ウェブサイト上で一 緒に並べた時、ごちゃごちゃして見え、雑な感じがしました。それで、私たちは写真のシステムを作りました。ジュエリーの種類によって、設置する角度を固定し、四角いグリッドに限定して、人工的ではない、自然な照明を取り入れ、透き通ったダイヤモンドに優しい虹色の光沢が出るようにしました。そうしたことで、全ての写真に一貫性が見えてきました。
For the 15th anniversary of the brand, a square book was made corresponding to the square grid system of the product images. It holds 200 brilliant pages that showcases select collections from Gordon Max in the sequence of the following product types; Diamond, Bridal, Costume Jewelry and High Jewelry. From the history of the brand to sketches of future plans, The Gordon Max Collections captures the brand’s past, present and future.
It begins with black backgrounds and eventually transits to a white backgrounds with coloured images in as pauses.
A series of 5 guide books are made so that anyone can learn about choosing diamonds and diamond rings, types of diamonds and diamond rings as well as jewelry care. These 5 books are fashioned as children’s books for easy reading.
2 ファンシーダイヤモンドの選び方
3 養殖ダイヤモンドの紹介
4 指輪の選び方
5 ジュエリーのお手入れ方法字体やレイアウトをイギリスの伝統的な絵本のようにして、ダイヤモンドの専門的な知識が誰にでも簡単に分かるようにデザインしました。
Hallmarks are traditionally engraved into metal to tell various information like its maker, place of origin and its metal percentages. Anyone familiar with jewelry would recognise these marks housed in little shields of various shapes. Beyond metal, we played on this tradition to make hallmarks for our books, tools and diamonds; Surprising people with quick information at a glance. The above are hallmarks for our publications, products and ring sizer.
それで、この伝統的な方式を参考にし、出版やツールの情報などを同じようにデザインをした特別なマークを 作り、ジュエリーファンのお客様に親しみを感じてもらえるような面白いアイディアを取り入れました。
DISCLAIMER☞This project is partially commercial work done long ago & partially self-initated work combined into a set. Hence the work here does not reflect that of the actual company.